
153 Pins
Copperhead Road: Unleash Your Inner Steve Earle with Pro Tips!
Copperhead Road: Unleash Your Inner Steve Earle with Pro Tips! - YouTube
A Robert Johnson-Style Acoustic Blues - Anyone Can Play Guitar
A Robert Johnson-Style Acoustic Blues - Anyone Can Play Guitar
5 easy Delta Blues riffs - Guitar lesson with a guitar teacher
5 easy Delta Blues riffs - Guitar lesson with a guitar teacher - YouTube
How To Play Rhythm Guitar Jimi Hendrix Style • Little Wing Variations • Part One
Blues Study in E - Sheet Music & Tablature for Guitar
Blues Study in E is an introduction to the blues for early intermediate guitarists. This study shows you how to play E minor pentatonic licks over a simple quarter-note bassline that outlines a 12-bar blues progression. Sheet music score with tablature and chord changes. Great for fingerstyle or classical guitar.