Special Needs Kids

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Is it Sensory, Behavior, or Both?
How to Calm an Aspergers Child: 50 Tips for Parents
50 Tips to Calm an Aspergers Child: many should also work well for a non-Aspergers child with strong sensory-seeking tendencies
Sensory Integration for Children Who Chew - Meet Penny
sensory integration ideas for children who chew
Epsom Salts for Autism
Epsom Salts Baths for Autistic children; what they help with & why...very interesting theory...
Kids with Autism, Sensory Processing Disorders Show Brain Wiring Differences
Kids with Autism, Sensory Processing Disorders Show Brain Wiring Differences | ucsf.edu
The Cause of Stimming: What's your stim? - Friendship Circle - Special Needs Blog
The Cause of Stimming: What’s your stim? How to reduce stimming. by Karen "Friendship Circle Blog". Pinned by SOS Inc. Resources. Follow all our boards at http://pinterest.com/sostherapy for therapy resources.
Effective Discipline for "Sensitive" Children on the Autism Spectrum
My Aspergers Child: Effective Discipline for "Sensitive" Children on the Autism Spectrum. Pinned by SOS Inc. Resources. Follow all our boards at pinterest.com/sostherapy/ for therapy resources.
Recognizing Sensory Triggers in an otherwise typical child
Sensory Triggers. What is sensory processing disorder. What causes sensory overload. Repinned by SOS Inc. Resources pinterest.com/sostherapy/.
Pizza, Soda, and Other Rotten Foods for Teens with ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD) symptoms and medications means those with the condition need to pay particular attention to diet, appetite, and nutrition. Here's how to make sure teens are making healthy food habits!