Magical Mantras

Mantras are a living example of the Law of Attraction - what you think is what you get. Mantras are powerful because they do what they say.
8 Pins
Today's Surprises
I'm putting together a compilation of uplifting, encourainging, inspiring images all in one place.
I Count My Blessings
Every day is full of blessings. They’re easy to miss.
Carefree and Content
Carefree and content - this is my new motto. I'd love to be like this again. Enough of stress and anxiety!
Magical Mantras
Twenty two pages of dynamic mantras to turn your life around. Your thoughts eventually become your reality!
Count Your Blessings
Appreciation and gratitude are two of your most powerful emotions.
Ask and you shall receive.
This is a well known quote from the Bible. Mantras help you focus on your asking.
Magical Mantras
A Mantra is a living example of the Law of Attraction in action. The key to a good Mantra is repetition.
Happy Healthy Wise Wealthy
This has been my Mantra for twenty years. Did it work? You bet!