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This is funny because this is really how horses are on the first jump of the year. <— I don’t ride English or do events I ride western and drive cattle and my horse does this and it’s the funniest thing ever cause he hates getting his feet wet
Its actually a tactic he uses to stay at the back and hope that everyone infront trip up as they are so close together
Funny Internet BS - LMAO memes and pics - PMSLweb
Funny Internet BS LMAO memes and pics PMSLweb
So true my other teachers are all like that's so cool that's awesome and one of my math teachers are cool but the other one is ALWAYS the party pooper even when everyone else including the principle are fine with it
24 Pictures That Are Hilarious But Also Way Too Real To Swimmers
Like how you count 25, 50, 75, 100, and not 1, 2, 3, 4, for starters...