Child development

Child Development Stages / Activities / Milestones / Behavior / Books / Toys / Activities / Charts /
285 Pins
60 Must-Try CALMING Strategies for Kids
EFFECTIVE but simple strategies to help kids CALM DOWN when they are anxious or upset. Calming strategies for kids include relaxation methods, learning problem-solving abilities, sensory strategies, attention diversion from anger triggers or situations, and many others / Calming kids activities / Calming kids down / Calming activities for kids #calmingstrategiesforkids #calmingkids #calmdownkids #copingskills #emotionalregulation #parenting #parentingtips #calmingdown #selfregulationforkids
15 Fun Self-Esteem Activities & Games for Kids / Teens: How to Build Confidence in Kids - Very Speci
SELF-ESTEEM ACTIVITIES for Kids & Teens / Boost your child confidence with this fun and engaging self-esteem games and activities / Includes 20+ Useful tips & advice #parenting #copingskills #emotionalregulation #buildingconfidenceinkids #buildingconfidenceinteens #selfesteemactivitiesforkids #selfesteeminkids #selfesteemactivities #growthmindset #childrenmentalhealth #emotionaldevelopment #childdevelopment #education #resilientkids #therapy #games #counseling #childrenactivities
46 Anger Management Activities for Kids: How to Help an Angry Kid
Anger Management for Kids. Calming Strategies for Kids: Simple activities to help kids cope with emotions such as anxiety or anger. These FREE calming cards for kids are great for toddlers and kids with special needs, autism or ADHD. #calmingcards #calmingstrategies #angermanagementforkids #anger #anxiety #parenting #copingskills #emotionalregulation #autism #specialneeds
15 Fun Self-Esteem Activities & Games for Kids / Teens: How to Build Confidence in Kids - Very Speci
Self-esteem activities for kids and teens: How to build confidence and self-esteem in your kids. #parenting #copingskills #emotionalregulation #buildingconfidenceinkids #buildingconfidenceinteens #selfesteemactivitiesforkids
8 Reasons Why You Need Family Rules & How to Set Good Rules for Kids
Family Rules for Kids: Research suggests that a parenting style that balances control with clear limits but allows exploration, and is responsive, warm and nurturing, is the best parenting approach. Check all the reasons why you need family rules, and learn how to set rules for kids #familyrules #houserules #rulesforkids #householdrules #parentingtips #parenting #behavior
Teaching Life Skills with Chaining Methods / Special Needs Parenting
Important life skills that most kids learn through observation and imitation, need to be specifically trained in kids with autism or learning difficulties. Chaining Methods are instructional techniques used in applied behavior analysis (ABA) to teach complex behaviors by breaking them down into individual steps. #autism #specialneeds #autismclassroom #specialeducation #ABA #chainingmethods #learningnewskills #ASD #lifeskills
Fun Yoga Breathing Exercises for Kids: Animal Breathing - Very Special Tales
Fun yoga breathing exercises for kids inspired by the animal world: lion's breath, bumble bee breathing, crocodile breathing, cat pose. Plus lots of other suggestions to make deep breathing a fun activity for kids #yogabreathingforkids #yogabreathingexercisesforkids #deepbreathingforkids #deepbreathing #breathingexercisesforkids #breathingforkids #breathing #yoga #mindfulness #parenting #copingskills #emotionalregulation #lionsbreath #bumblebeebreath #crocodilebreath #catposeyoga #printable
Behavior Charts: How to Easily Track Behavior Like a Pro - Very Special Tales
You can't change your child's behavior unless you understand why it is happening. Behavior trackers are a must-have tool to understand what is causing a behavior. Learn to use ABC trackers ( Antecedent - Behavior - Consequence trackers) and an Scatterplot Graph / ABA - Applied Behavior Analysis Tools #behavior #behaviortracker #behaviorchart #behaviormodification #parenting #emotionalregulation #behaviormanagement #angermanagement #ABA #ABCTracker #ABCChart #scatterplotgraphforbehavior
Behavior Problems in Children: All the Reasons Why It May be Happening
"Why is my child acting out?" Understanding behavioral problems: Reasons for behavior problems in children and adolescents, and how to improve children’s behavior / Behavior Issues / Kids acting out /#behavior #behaviorproblemsinchildren #behaviorproblems #howtodealwithbehaviorproblems #misbehavior #behaviorinterventions #behaviortips #kidactingout #parentingtips #schoolcounseling #counseling #childactingout
Social Skills ACTIVITIES for Kids (Teens, Young Children & Kids with Autism)
17 FUN & ENGAGING social skills activities for kids. Boost you child's socio-emotional development teaching them how to start conversations, express emotions, understand friendship, listen attentively / Social skills games / Social Skills Lessons #socialskillsforkids #socialskillsactivitiesforkids #parenting #parentingtips #specialneedsparenting #lifeskills #emotionaldevelopment #autism #copingskills #childrenactivities #socialskills #autismclassroom #therapy #schoolcounseling #socialskillsgames
7 Benefits of Journaling for Kids / Tips for Beginners
Journaling for Kids: Benefits of Journaling / Types of Journal (gratitude journal, food journal, travel journal, food journal...)/ Journaling tips. Expressing thoughts and feelings can be difficult. Kids especially can find it hard to deal with emotions. For kids, journaling can be an outlet for all those emotions bubbling inside them. #journalingforkids #benefitsofjournaling #journaling #typesofjournal #journalforkids #parenting #copingskills #emotionalregulation #selfesteem #journalingtips
Yoga for Kids: Tips for Beginners, Books, Benefits and Other Resources - Very Special Tales
Yoga for Kids: 46 Reasons why you should consider it / Best tips, ideas, and resources to help you introduce yoga to your kids. #yoga #kids #emotionalregulation #parenting #mindfulness #meditation #copingskills #childrenactivities #calming #calmkids #childrenmentalhealth #childdevelopment
46 Anger Management Activities for Kids: How to Help an Angry Kid - Very Special Tales
Help your child calm down with these 46 MUST-TRY anger management activities for kids (includes FREE Calming Strategy CARDS) / Anger management for kids / Calming down activities / Anger Management Worksheets / Anger Management Games / ADHD / Special Needs Parenting #copingskills #anger #anxiety #kids #specialneeds #autism #ADHD #angermanagement #pictograms #calmingstrategies #printable #parentingtips #pictograms #angermanagementforkids #emotionalregulation #parenting #angermanagementworksheets
Anxiety and Autism: Triggers and Calming Strategies to Help your Autistic Kid - Very Special Tales
AUTISM AND ANXIETY: 24 anxiety triggers for autistic kids and teenagers. And CALMING STRATEGIES to help them cope with their anxiety #autism #parenting #specialneeds #anxiety #teenagers #teens #kids #calmingstrategies #anxietytriggers #copingskills #emotionalregulation #ASD
7 Benefits of Journaling for Kids / Tips for Beginners
Journaling for Kids: Benefits of Journaling / Types of Journal (gratitude journal, food journal, travel journal, food journal...)/ Journaling tips. Expressing thoughts and feelings can be difficult. Kids especially can find it hard to deal with emotions. For kids, journaling can be an outlet for all those emotions bubbling inside them. #journalingforkids #benefitsofjournaling #journaling #typesofjournal #journalforkids #parenting #copingskills #emotionalregulation #selfesteem #journalingtips