Spacial design

14 Pins
VALENTINO ROME FLAGSHIP STORE - DPAGES - a design publication for lovers of all things cool & beautiful
Valentino Rome Flagship Store by David Chipperfield | Photo by Santi Caleca
davide d’elia (The Jealous Curator)
Davide d’elia - Tiffany blue boat like space filled installation
The family home of blogger Sofia (Strawberry Dreams) in Lidingö, northeast of Stockholm.
Cut Travertine Marble and Resin Merge to Create 'Lagoon' Tables — Colossal
Cut Travertine Marble and Resin Merge to Create ‘Lagoon’ Tables
Pennsylvania High School Totally Looks Like A Millenium Falcon
Community Post: Pennsylvania High School Totally Looks Like A Millenium Falcon