Black Holes and Supernovae

The most spectacular deaths, and perhaps even one can create the other.
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New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
The star cluster Hodge 301 is 20 million to 25 million years old. Hodge 301 is home to many aging, red supergiant stars, indicating the cluster is older. Roughly 40 massive stars already have exploded as supernovas. The expanding wave of debris is slamming into gas ejected by stars in R136, creating a ridge of star formation between the two clusters. The fledgling stars are embedded in dense gas and cannot be seen.
Rustic Handrails for the Home; Options and Materials for Railings
Double galaxy with a black hole in the center
Daily Drawings by Derek Myers
Daily Drawings by Derek Myers: January 16, 2015 (Day 627) [Instagram] | [Tumblr]...