tips for the kids

14 Pins
Internet Safety for Kids and Teens. This is a quick cheat sheet for non-techie parents who care about keeping their kids safer online. It takes about 30 - 45 minutes to make these simple changes! #youtube #google #iphone good fhe lesson on safety start them young
Best Multiplication Apps for Kids to Learn and Practice At Home
23 multiplication apps for kids - lots of these are free!
Number Facts Games: Uno Flip for Addition, Subtraction & Multiplication
This fun game can be used to help children revise mental math facts, times tables and simple mathematical equations.
How To Make A Times Tables Booklet
Times tables booklets are a great tool for students to use to test themselves and review various table facts.
Fun Ways to Learn Times Tables (Plus Free Printable Times Table Posters!)
20 Ideas For Learning Times Tables - hands on activities, online games, apps and printables to help kids remember and recall their times tables.
Why Your Daughters Need to Be in Your Bible Study! | Satisfaction Through Christ
Why Your Daughters Need to Be in Your Bible Study! | Satisfaction Through Christ
How to Raise an Adult - Jessi Fearon
How to Raise an Adult? This seems like it should be an easy enough question to answer but truthfully, it's not, but it's the best thing that we can do for our kids. We must help our children plant roots but we must also allow them to grow and use their wings.
Homemade Chocolate Bars - Just 3 Ingredients!
"Homemade "Hershey's" Chocolate Bars! Just THREE ingredients to the best chocolate bars you will ever eat."
#playmatters 5 quick ways to have happy kids
Because #playmatters, here are 5 quick ways to have happy kids from Pauline & Lesson Learnt Journal. xo P #lessonslearntjournal #play
Encouragement vs. Praise: Why the Differentiation Matters
Encouraging Words - 27 phrases you can use instead of "good job"