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We Heart It
^^ when I first saw that and Thorin was standing on a tresure chest or stone, I was disappointed I expected it to be Fili or Kili, so the second part amused me to no end
Baby Sitting Full by Mhyin on DeviantArt
This is apparently supposed to be Gimli babysitting Fili, Kili, and Ori, but as the age doesn't work (the artist hadn't realized that Gimili was actually younger than the other three), I'll just pretend it's supposed to be someone else. ^_^ << Pretend that it is Frerin or Gloin or someone Babysitting Fili, Kili and Ori
(gif) I shouldn't find this as funny as I do!/ Poor Dean O'Gorman (Fili)! From Kiwi heartthrob to Hobbit nosebob.
SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!! I hate how everyone just sort of forgot about Fili in The Battle of the Five Armies. At least Thorin and Kili had someone to sit by their dead body. But still, I really did enjoy the movie. I just wish Fili could have had more attention.
Does anyone see how scared Fili, and Kili look? And how Thorin steps out in front of them?<- stab me in the heart, why don't you
Fili and Kili and Thorin's discussion with Dwalin. Poor little Kili ;) I just can't get over the cuteness
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He looks like he's doing a commercial for L'Oreal or something. "Flawless, flowing locks that will make even Elven maidens fall for you..."← pinning for that alone! lol
Kili can expect no sympathy from his uncle when he catches a cold later.
Honestly you too, you should take more care of your weapons! Haha, Aidens expressions are fantastic!
This was one of the most emotional scenes I have ever had to witness... only love can hurt like this. *starts sobbing*
Differences between Fili, Kili, and Ori. Thus, Ori is my favorite. =) My little peacemaker dwarf.
Tauriel and Kili.... and Fili. Yeah, pretty much how it'd have to be for it to work for Tauriel and Kili. :P