indoor furniture

38 Pins
Sliding Top Secret Compartment Nightstand | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments
Secret Compartment Nightstand Sliding Top Secret Compartment Nightstand – StashVault
Great hide out, inside board can be configured to any way you like.
Wood Furniture | Hampton, NJ
"New Jersey Concealment Furniture. The designers have created not just just one or two pieces, but an entire range of furniture dedicated to concealed firearms storage." Not that you need to them for just firearms. They're automatically cool because of the hidden compartments.
Concealed Gun Rack Coffee Table
d-i-y: pallet chair (and stool and lamp…)
DIY Pallet Side Table or Stool. Upcycle pallets into useful furniture.
The 62 Most Creative Pallet Coffee Tables For Your Inspiration! • 1001 Pallets
Design Pallet Coffee Table
Home - The Owner-Builder Network
How To Build A DIY Lift Top Coffee Table If you've ever tried eating or using your laptop on top of a coffee table, you know it isn't comfortable. Here's a great DIY project for a dual purpose coffee table.