
104 Pins
Colin Hutchings does it again....and again..... - Farmers Weekly
Scotch Black-faced ram – won the Sheep Championship at the Royal Cornwall Show (2007) - photo from Taking Stock ...Wow! That's a lot of wool!...
Border Leicester - Wikipedia
Border Leicester sheep | The Border Leicester is a breed of sheep originating in England. Border Leicesters are polled, long-wooled sheep. Though large in size and robust, they are also docile. The breed has been exported to other sheep producing regions such as Australia and the U.S.
What is a Persian Sheep
Black speckled Persian ewe with her new born lamb
Domain parking page
Pedigreed Zwartbles lambs in Snowdonia, North Wales
Jacob Sheep
Jacob Sheep - heritage breed - biblical history - Good Fiber & Meat Quality
Teeswater is a breed of sheep from Teesdale, England. It is a longwool breed of sheep, which produces a generally large-diameter fibre. The breed is raised primarily for meat. | mobile phone deals & car comparisons, fuel & mileage calculators
Teeswater ewes. Aren't they pretty?
New Bluefaced Leicester
Bluefaced Leicesters - very weird looking sheep!