Creative Spaces

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작지만 알찬 집
눈이 트이는 공간30대 부부와 초등학생 딸이 사는 집. 20평대 주거형 오피스텔로 주방과 거실이 연결되어 있고 아이와 부부 방, 화장실 등의 형태로 이루어져 있다. “넓은 평수가
A different use for those small white, black and red dry beans! - California Beans
DIY crafts featuring dry beans! California Beans
10 Beyond Clever Craft Room Organization Ideas
These 10 Clever Craft Room Organization Hacks are THE BEST! I'm so happy I found these AWESOME ideas! Now my craft room will look so good I'm definitely pinning for later!
Soul Shine Studio Tour!!! | Kelly Rae Roberts
We're all moved in. Soul Shine Studio is, like, a real thing. I share it with three amazing artists (Flora, Pixie, + Lynx). We make art here. We write here. Gather here. Teach here. Lounge here. Eat here. Play here. Work our asses off here. I can hardly believe it.
35 Cool Craft Room Storage Ideas
DIY Craft Room Storage Ideas and Craft Room Organization Projects - Simple Washi Wheel - Cool Ideas for Do It Yourself Craft Storage, Craft Room Decor and Organizing Project Ideas - fabric, paper, pens, creative tools, crafts supplies, shelves and sewing notions
DIY Tip of the Day: Tape Dispenser Caddy. Keep your tape rolls in one place with this handy tape dispenser. You’ll need a 1 1/2-in. dowel, 3/4-in. plywood and a hacksaw blade. Notch the sides and screw everything together. Saw the dowel ends to fit in the notches and screw the hacksaw blade on with the teeth overhanging the plywood. Fasten the dispenser to the workbench. Thanks to R. B. Himes for this idea!
Brush Holder
use pipe insulation to create a paintbrush holder for drying. #paint #brushes
Hang extension cord high using the simple suspension cable shown. The whole cord system slides back against the wall. Drive two screw eyes into a ceiling joist to hold the clothesline. Fasten the clothesline to one screw eye, slip the metal shower curtain rings over it, and attach the other end to the other screw eye. Space the rings along the clothesline as shown, slip the extension cord through the rings, and secure the cord to them with wire ties. —Buck Nall, Alma, Ga.
Shop setup solutions
Hinged wall-mounted boom for lighting & power supply - keeps power cords from being draped across work surface #DIY #garage #workshop