Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus ~ Assorted

The Founders, Houses and Headcanons
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Butterbeer and Hufflepuff by emobones on DeviantArt
Butterbeer and Hufflepuff by emobones on deviantART
The Internet Is Breaking Over These Epic "Harry Potter" Makeup Palettes
"Harry Potter" Makeup Palette, Hufflepuff, they don't really exist, but I still need them in my life
Hufflepuff. Good, but not as good as Slytherin. #SlytherinPride!!!!
When Tonks was mentioned my eyes filled with tears. By the time I was done reading I was full on crying.
That's my Pottermore house. I found it really commendable that most if not all Hufflepuffs stayed to fight with Harry. They're not trying to prove anything. They're just plain loyal. 'Puff Pride all the way baby.
Yes badgers, your time has come - it's #SlytherinSunday special HUFFLEPUFF edition
HD Hufflepuff Traits Phone Wallpaper by emily-corene on DeviantArt
Free for use. Please don't remove my watermark, and tell me what you think! I have only tested this on iPhone 4 & 5, so I'm not sure which others it will work for.
Pufflepuk Pride 💛
Hufflepuff + Pukwudgie aesthetic - The Loyal Healers This is so cute!