Sketching techniques

154 Pins
Carlo Scarpa.Casa Veretti a Udine, 1955-61. Pianta e prospetto , matita e pastello rosso su velina, 297x494mm.
Carlo Scarpa, Study for the entrance at the Museo di Castelvecchio. Verona, Italy
Professional Design Proposals - Under-Development
Professional Design Proposals - Under-Development by Anique Azhar, via Behance
concept SKETCH
neo-constructivist: (via imgur: the simple image sharer)
A hand drawing made into an Autocad design, which was photoshop to enhance the colors and lightweight of the lines to make them pop.
Belfast ‘Polis’ House
Presidents Medals: Belfast ‘Polis’ House
Always in Studio
drawingarchitecture: Section I Laura Elena Barba
Registry/Repository - a charged void
Presidents Medals: Registry/Repository - a charged void
Seafood restaurant and fishmonger - Kenneth Hinkel
Seafood restaurant and fishmonger by Kenneth Hinkel, via Behance