Stamping & Stenciling

793 Pins
Creative Scar tissue
Working through some stuff here and one of the best ways for me to do that it do go to the studio, or walk the woods. I decided to go to t...
cut out eraser.. have different designs and frame three or something and put it on wall of room
はんこ・スタンプの人気通販 | minne 国内最大級のハンドメイド・手作り通販サイト
気持ちスタンプ 5コセット
"Daring Adventures in Paint" Giveaway and Tutorial
that artist woman: printmaking with fun foam and cardboard
Use vintage pins to wrap up floral bouquets by DRAGONFLIES
Hand carved house stamp
How to Make Your Own Stamps with Cardboard
Make your own DIY stamps with various textures using cardboard and other materials from the recycling bin. Then print your new stamp!
Printing Projects
Printing with Gelli Arts®: Gelli Arts® Printing Fun With Texture Blocks
紫陽花とネモフィラの 多色押し 消しゴムはんこ カード付き
紫陽花とネモフィラの 多色押し 消しゴムはんこ カード付き by bf-ako 文房具・ステーショナリー はんこ
CAN'T STOP MAKING THINGS: DIY 'Rubber' Stamps made...
CAN'T STOP MAKING THINGS: DIY 'Rubber' Stamps made from Model Magic!
village stamp
village stamp - Love this!! Think I'd cut each house as a separate stamp so I could vary the order they appear in or use individually