Big Cat Christmas!

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GOOD MORNING and Merry Christmas Eve!!!!!! Do you know what that silly Dutchess Tiger did? She knocked over the Christmas tree, SMASHED Santa's bag of gifts, THEN she peed (yes PEED) on it after which she proceeded to Snatch a present and run off with it, but only AFTER she made her keepers stand around waiting, waiting, and waiting! What a funny girl. I can't wait to see the Christmas cat video Afton made from the footage. Happy Holidays to each one of you! #goodmorning #merrychristmas
Jasmine Tiger found her present from Santa IN her Christmas tree instead of UNDER it and she didn't even have to wait until Christmas morning to open it. She has a very merry time demolishing her Christmas treats. What is YOUR FAVORITE Christmas treat? #Jasmine #tiger' #tigers #bigcats #presents #underthetree #underthechristmastree #nowaiting #morning #christmasmorning #Merry #christmastreats #demolish #santa #BigCatRescue ##bigcats
Good Afternoon! WHAT is YOUR Weather, today, and will it affect your holiday plans? Cyrus! You funny Cat! What are you doing? The Super Enrichment Team has done it again and obviously, Cyrus is quite happy! It is in the lower 60s in Tampa. Great weather here for the cats to play with their Christmas Enrichment. #what #weather #tampa #tampaflorida #today #holiday #Holidays #holidayplans #cyrus #funnycats #wildcats #nature #cat #cats #enrichment #Christmas #happy #merrychristmas #caracal
CAPTION THIS Super Cute Christmas photo that Keeper Emma caught of Lakota Bobcat posing by his Christmas tree. We hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and would love to hear about your family's Christmas traditions. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve already. Where has this year gone it has flown by so fast. #Lakota #bobcat #bobcats #wildcats #captionthis ##christmas22 #christmasphotos #christmastrees #christmasmagic #hope #Wonderful #Holidays #holidayseason #season #family #traditions
Max Tiger says, "GOOD MORNING, and MERRY CHRISTMAS" It's a Wonderful Life that Max leads now compared to the life of confinement, abuse, and neglect he had in the circus. Since no captive life can replace freedom in the wilds of nature we give them as much space and enrichment as we can. THANK YOU to all who helped make his rescue and new life possible. The enrichment team did a truly amazing and creative job with the cats' holiday goodies. They work quietly behind the scenes
MERRY CHRISTMAS from Kali Tiger! <3 The big cats had a wonderful time getting their Christmas trees and presents from Santa. Everyone at the sanctuary is truly #thankful to ALL of you who have helped us feed and care for the cats throughout the year. YOU have made the lives of the tigers, and all the wild cats here quite Merry and Bright. All of us here at Big Cat Rescue want to wish each and every one of you HAPPY HOLIDAYS! #merrychristmas #MerryChristmas2022 #merryandbright #christmastime
Year End Tax Deduction Giving | Big Cat Rescue
Last week we told you about how the Big Cat Public Safety Act was PASSED and how that contributes to an absolutely epic year for us. This week we would like to remind you that we have a $22,000 match, dollar for dollar. You can double up your donation like we were able to double up our bobcat releases for Makanki and Kekoa! Both bobcats were able to be "home for the holidays" The secure and safe link to make a year-end tax-deductible donation is #Christmas
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Happy Holidays. Do you need last-minute gift ideas sure to make you Trill? Need a last-minute gift idea for the animal lover that has everything!? Big Cat Rescue Christmas and Holiday Downloads are Purrrfect! Make a Donation in Honor of Someone Special and receive an email download to share with the special people on your holiday list! Several downloadable gifts to choose from.
Funny Big Cat Christmas Videos
GOODNIGHT, Big Cat Friends, WHO DO YOU THINK enjoys the enrichment more? Jasmine Tiger seems to be taking a survey of her 2021 Christmas Tree trying to decide how to best destroy it. I'm not sure who has more fun with the enrichment, the cats, the keepers, or the cats' online friends. All of us at Big Cat Rescue wish you a very merry and bright holiday season. #WHO #youdecide #enjoy #enrichment #jasmine #tiger #tigers #Christmas #christmastime #merrychristmas #Merry #merryandbright
Good night Big Cat Rescue Friends! 🌙 This is Armani Leopard’s, “ Is tomorrow really Monday?” face! Have a good night everyone!
December 30 2017
Joseph invites YOU to today's Big Cat Updates at See Afton's new video about Noel, the injured bobcat found on Christmas Day. Photo by Michael Heap
How was your Christmas Day?
Seth says, "How was YOUR Christmas? He LOVED his Christmas Turkey!" THANK YOU, EVERYONE, who donated through BigCatRescue.irg/turkey
Downloadable Holiday Photos & Donations
Need A Last Minute Instant Gift? Paw-some downloadable gifts, a purr-fect solution for every pro-cats-tinator. Your support helps provide the very best care for all of the cats who call Big Cat Rescue home Downloadable Holiday Photos & Sponsorship Kits
December 24 2017
Merry Christmas from the Big Cats to YOU! Today's Big Cat Updates has Christmas enrichment photos, SAVE & Stars Awards, Last minute gifts, Links for YOU to get free gifts from the cats & More at