Garden Gates

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Photo Storage
garden doors instead of a gate. I love this, especially that they used the entire frame too. lovely!
beautiful old door with leaded glass windows - that would make a great garden arbor or entrance to a walkway!
In Bloom
These beautifully shot photos of Miranda Brooks home and garden are just a few from a new Rizzoli book, In Bloom: Creating and Living with Flowers by Ngoc Minh Ngo. Inspired by ways people connect …
Barcelona - Plaça Flandes 001 d
Barcelona - Pl. Flandes 001 d | Casa José Giralt Cerqueda 1901. Architect: Antoni Vila i Palmés. Photo by Arnim Schulz, Flickr
Repurposed antique crib - DIY secret garden gate - Vin'yet Etc.
DIY: How to Make a Garden Gate from a Repurposed Crib - this is a great way to reuse an old crib - via Vin'yet Etc.
A few (more) of my favorite things, Part III
Garden gate - use an old window with glass removed, and hinge onto a post. I really like this one. Pete's Used Furniture has windows.