To the Point

34 Pins
Grace Gayle -Healing Our Brokenness Ministries
Lift the fallen, restore the broken and to heal the hurting through Jesus Christ. and this is my moto to live by
Gears of War Glitches-Kung Fu Flip Tutorial
They'd still be there if they wanted to be. Obviously not, I'm so flabbergasted at what you did, way to make the rest of my day a positive experience. Glad I have great friends to cheer me up :)
better half
SO glad I walked away when I did! Looking back it was doing nothing but tearing me down. You should NEVER feel like you have to prove anything to ANYONE. Because those that truly love you will show you in every way possible that you won't have time to worry about proving anything! #ThankGodifoundthegoodingoodbye
.Wow, couldn't have come across this saying at a better time. Family has really disappointed me lately, so now I know how to react when I don't want to be around them.
Mc MoOnk - "Hagamos El Amor" 2013
Adios!!!!!! Better off without you
If The Words Don't Add Up, It's Usually Because The Truth Wasn't Included In The Equation - LifeHack
Funny how that works! lol
Quotes Of The Day - 18 Pics
Quotes Of The Day - 18 Pics