Baking Science

With 25+ years experience as a baker and pastry chef you can be sure that my recipes are well-tested. Get lots of "how to" and "why" information and great tips for recipe success. This board has pins with the posts from my blog which get into the science of baking.
36 Pins
The Function of Eggs in Cake
Eggs help create the structure of a cake. Learn how to use the yolks and whites for the best cake texture. #howto #cakebatter #bakingscience #why
How to create the best Cake Recipes
The “Baker's Formula” or “Baker's Percentage” is used to make sure the ingredients that build the structure of a cake and tenderize a cake are in balance. #poundcake #recipe #bakefromscratch #cake #how to #baking science
What Flour Does In Cake Batter
Cake flour, all purpose flour and bread flour are not interchangeable. Find out when to use which flour. Learn what gluten is and how to use gluten free flour.
The Function of Sugar in Cake Batter
Sugar is sweet but it's also a great cake tenderizer. Learn how to get the perfect texture for your cakes.
The Function Butter & Other Fats in Cake Batter
Butter is a great cake tenderizer. Learn how to change the amount and type of fat to get your best cake texture.
The Science of Eggs in Baking
Learn about the science of eggs in baking.Improve your recipes by changing the number of eggs, yolks and whites.
A Complete List of Buttercream, frosting & Icing
Buttercream, frosting, icing, whatever you call it, I've put together an extensive list of recipes for you to choose from when filling and frosting your next cake.
The Reverse Creaming Method for Cakes
How you mix a cake batter can make a big difference. Learn about the reverse creaming technique and why you might change the way you've been mixing your cake batter. #creaming #reversecreaming #twostage
Salt, baking powder and baking soda in cake batter
Learn How salt & leaveners can dramatically change the outcome of your cake. Free series of baking classes all about cake batter.
The Function of Eggs in Cake
Eggs help create the structure of a cake. Learn how to use the yolks and whites for the best cake texture.
The Reverse Creaming Method for Cakes
Free 7 part class all about the science of cake batter. Learn how to fix your cakes and go beyond the recipe.
The Science of Eggs in Baking
What are egg yolks and whites made of? Why do egg white whip up stiff but yolks don't? Learn all about this essential baking ingredient.
Citrus Poppy Seed Cake
Citrus Poppy Seed Cake has a triple citrus punch from lemon, lime and orange. The tender cake has a bright burst of flavor from citrus syrup as well as a crunchy citrus glaze.
Malt & Rye Pretzel Rolls
A hint of barley malt syrup and a bit of stone ground rye flour give these Malt & Rye Pretzel Rolls a slightly sweet and complex flavor. The flavor really stands up to the extra "pretzel-y" crust. What's the secret to that great crust? #baking soda #rye #barley malt syrup #homemade #scratch #best #moist #how to #recipe