Rangers Apprentice Feels

11 Pins
Gangfield at around 14. Despite its wonky flaws, this is still one of my fave sketches. (I mean why on earth did I draw his one knuckle so weird asdfghjklsdajgh) I guess I like it so much cuz I got to portray the character with a more innocent state of mind. I’m always battling to make it seem like Gangfield knows more than he lets on, but here… here he’s really just a kid. :) Check out more Gangfield back story sketches here.
Books Male Characters Fan Art: Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson - Books Male Characters Fan Art (30577302) - Fanpop
A Stollen Heart - #1
Read Bully from the story Connor Stoll x Reader by firemusiclove with 9 reads. readerxcharacter, fandom, pjohoo. You we... #CharacterDesign
“Well lookie who I found. Team Leo ftw. #fanart #teamleo #valdez #Hephaestuscabin #sketch”