
James Dean + Andy Warhol - Cam McCann
James Dean - Andy Warhol / Behance. Very powerful icon within the movie industry, known for 'wooing' the women within the decade; the use of subtle tone that Warhol uses on the side of his face changes the picture well, comparing to the Michael Jackson one which is more simplistic and cartoony, this one has more realism but has bright use of colour. This piece is really funky, with the bold solid blue background and the bright golden hair.
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Audrey Hepburn by Andy Warhol Pop Art is about consumerism, but also those in the Mass Media who are consumed, and imitated by the Mass Culture (Pop Culture).
I love the way that he has used all different colours.
Special Pleasure
Andy Warhol Pop Art ~ Quadrant Mickey Mouse / Myths (1981)
JOHN LENNON & ANDY WARHOL - Moïcani - L'Odéonie
COLOR RELATIVITY ------------- John Lennon by Andy Warhol. Warhol was a leading figure in the contemporary visual art movement known as pop art.
Photography: Fantastic retro blog collates Andy Warhol's extraordinary polaroids
Fantastic retro blog collates Andy Warhol's extraordinary polaroids
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Ik heb dit plaatje gekozen omdat er verschillende dingen in voorkomen. Bijvoorbeeld het viool en die het de noten op het Muziekpapier moet spelen. En je hebt ook nog ballet schoentjes, dat kan dus zijn dat de ballerina op de muziek van de viool danst. Ik heb deze gebruikt omdat er dingen in worden gecombineerd en dat wil ik ook proberen.
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Ana Turazashvili
Beautiful Ballet Portrait Of Performers Claiming The Streets Of NYC Ballet is an intimately physical art that has been merged with the beauty of music, photography and dance, captured by Puerto Rico born, NYC-based photographer Omar Robles’ camera on the streets of New York city.
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." ~ Confucius