Down on the farm

To dos & great ideas for the farm
135 Pins
Pros And Cons Of Planting Wildflowers
Colorful, rustic, and low maintenance they may be, wildflowers seem like they should be a no-brainer when you’re looking to plant a garden or a large open field and, for the most part, they are. There are, however, some serious drawbacks to planting wildflowers if it’s not done correctly. Read on to learn more.
New Wives Club #5: how to grow your own cut flowers - what to grow - The Natural Wedding Company
how to grow your own cut flowers – what to grow
Grow Asparagus: Put it to bed for Winter • Daddykirbs Farm
Asparagus is a wonderful perennial veggie that can produce for 20+ years. Grow it! Put it to bed properly for the Winter to ensure a good next growing season.
How to plan a no-maintenance garden
Great advice for planning a no maintenance garden! 5 secrets and how to implement them in the garden.
19 Successful DIY Trellis Ideas for Vegetables and Fruits
Pallets Can be Easily Made into Garden Trellis #gardening #gardeningtips #gardentrellis #pallets #veggiegardens
Things I wish I knew before I started a garden
good advice when for when you're starting your first garden or just starting a new one.
Grow Amazing Strawberries
Strawberries are super-easy to grow, but there are a few important tips to keep in mind. Here’s everything you need to know to grow gallons of strawberries in your garden.
Marigolds in the Vegetable Garden 6 Important Things They Do
Marigolds in the Vegetable Garden Important Things They Do - 6 Amazing Benefits for gardeners and homesteaders.
7 Secrets To Have A Continuously Productive Vegetable Garden
Don't you want a garden that will not only produce a bountiful harvest of fresh vegetables but also produce them continuously?