Incredible Insects

46 Pins
butterfly by Detlef Knapp | 500px
Ssss!...Uhm, This Place Is Really Attractive...Samissomar's Pinterests Are So Inspiring !...
The tip of the Atlas moth's wing is camouflaged to resemble the head of the distinctive cobra snake. When disturbed, the Atlas moth falls to the ground and writhes about to complete the illusion.
Death’s Head caterpillars, Acherontia Atropos. Photo by Igor Siwanowicz
Fauna Fabula: Unreal Animals in the Real World
Hmm, think this may have been the inspiration for H.R. Giger's creature in the "Alien" films.
Dark Roasted Blend: The Most Surreal Insect on Earth
Brazilian Treehopper, or Bocydium globulare - a real living insect, which only pretends to be an alien helicopter:
Thorn treehopper - Umbonia crassicornis
Thorn treehopper - Umbonia crassicornis ❥ via #martablasco ❥
Insect Antennae II
Metallic Wasp...amazing bug with the emerald green colors often seen in the tiny miracles of the created world, especially among insects. Detail of the feathery looking antenna associated with moths gives a unique photo! -DdO:)
No son mariquitas, pero me encantan!!! They´re not ladybugs, but I love them!!!
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Amazing bright green leaf mimic insect in the walking stick family. The bright green leaf like wings and legs mimic leaves on trees.
A leaf-mimic bush cricket with 'eaten-out' camouflage .
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Dryococelus australis or Lord Howe stick insect: The biggest insect in the world and one of the rarest.
Project Noah - This might be the most glorious insect we've ever seen. Straight out of Brazil, meet the imperial tortoise beetle! INCREDIBLE! Spotted by Project Noah Ranger and our "Beetle Man of Brazil," Sergio Monteiro: | Facebook
imperial tortoise beetle, Brazil
Apion frumentarium by Dark-Raptor on DeviantArt
Apion frumentarium by on @deviantART