Guinea pig care

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Small Animals
Foods to avoid feeding to your guinea pig. All pets, no matter how small, deserve all the love you can give! Remember, always consult your vet before introducing any new foods to your pets.
Small Animal Products - Spiffy Pet Products
♥ Small Pet Care ♥ How to Cut Guinea Pig Nails
How to Train Your Guinea Pig: 6 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Train Your Guinea Pig: 6 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
Warm weather tips to keep your guinea pigs cool - help your piggy beat the heat. Image Source :
40 Fun Guinea Pig Facts | Guinea Pig Tips
guinea pig facts
A charted list of fruits and veggies that guinea pigs CAN eat, how often and how much they can have!
guinea pig illustration - Buscar con Google
A guide to piggy tickles, as seen on the Guinea Pig Fun Facebook page.
5 Common Mistakes Guinea Pig Owners Make
Although guinea pigs may seem very simple to care for, there are many common mistakes. Here are five frequent misconceptions and how to avoid them to become a better caretaker for your cavy.