simplify it all

Slowly but surely I intend for this to take over and become the norm in my life. Keep it real, keep it small, keep it simple and enjoy it all.
19 Pins
How I Became a Minimalist (Why I Choose to Live with Less)
"The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it." ~ Henry David Thoreau. You literally *spend* your life, & the energy & the time allotted to each of us is finite.
The space in between
WABI SABI - simple, organic living from a Scandinavian Perspective.: The space in between
Clutter & Depression go hand in hand - Your Modern Family
Clutter is weighing me down - help decluttering my home
Your Home Is Living Space, Not Storage Space
Your home is living space, not storage space. - Francine Jay
How I Use Mind Mapping to Help Declutter My Brain
This is the power of mind mapping: plotting out a framework on which to hang your thoughts. Just like the power of tidying and decluttering your house, mind mapping feels incredibly satisfying and freeing.
12 YouTube Channels All Minimalists Will Love - The Blissful Mind
12 of the best minimalist YouTube channels that will inspire you to live lighter, consume less, and be more mindful!
25 days of Working Towards Simple Living (Minimalism) - Romance on a Dime
9 Lies that Keep Our Schedules Overwhelmed
via Becoming Minimalist
Just a moment...
Did you know that your clutter could be costing you money? Being a minimalist saves you money and stress by reducing the flow of things coming in.
The Closet Cleanse - A New Way to Solve an Old Problem
The 7-Step Closet Cleanse Do you want to get rid of 90% of your closet? Ashley felt like she actually had more to wear after she did this closet cleanse. She's condensed and shared her Closet Cleanse in this post...
The Importance of Knowing When You Should Just Give Up - Tico+Tina
The Importance of Knowing When to Give Up - Organized crap is still just crap... | 31 Days Exploring Minimalism | minimalist living, simple living, organization, decluttering
Expert Advice: 10 Ways to Live with Less from Zero Waste Home - Remodelista
Zero Waste Home Book: Remodelista. I just put this on hold at the library where hopefully I can learn how to raise my boys with a little less stuff.
14 Steps Towards Simpler Living
14 Steps Towards Living a Simpler Lifestyle. Some great ideas in this article to live the life you've always dreamed about!
How to Shop Like a Minimalist - 12 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying - Tico+Tina
How to Shop Like a Minimalist - 12 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying | minimalism, simple living