G R A P H I C + P R I N T

164 Pins
Wear Any Clothes Just As Long As They're Bright 7” vinyl design by Eve Warren (UK) - http://www.packagingoftheworld.com/… | Cd cover design, Cd design, Music design
I enjoyed how the name was incorporated into the logo literally, because you can distinguish the tea and the tiny house. (logo design)
Working Student (m/f/d) Social Media Community Management and Production | Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
250_Website Tyrrell_Kurzgesagt Project Pic 3
New Catalog Brochure Design Templates | | Graphic Design Junction
26 Pages Corporate Square Brochure Design
Wayfinding and identity for hotel Voskresenskoe
Wayfinding and identity for hotel Voskresenskoe on Behance
Shrink your URLs and get paid!
Negative Space Logos. - Graphic | http://graphicdesigncollections.blogspot.com