Medieval Things

Writing resources - medieval things
34 Pins
Tutto sull'araldica
Gli Arcani Supremi (Vox clamantis in deserto - Gothian): Tutto sull'araldica
A Beginner's Guide to Understanding a Coat of Arms
A Beginner's Guide to Understanding a Coat of Arms
花瓣网-迪科尔刀业的照片 - 微相册
protect your arms ..j *This shit if phenomenal!!! I was going to just have Williams wear matching lamellar kote (Japanese vambrace or lower cannons and traditional armor of the samurai) which he picks up in Osaka in the next book, but I think he should have as much variation in his gear as possible to reflect the more multi-cultural impact of modern-day witching. And these are so authentically 'Nordic-feeling,' if you will. Wonderful.*
Medieval Helmets Pictures and Information
Medieval Helmet Types Been looking for one of these forever