W o r k S p a c e

133 Pins
Dining area - Modern - Dining Room - Los Angeles - by Wyatt Interiors | Houzz
Wire Chairs, Noguchi Table and Saucer Lamp all from Modernica.
Vintage Hot Spot - Store Tour & Interview - Red Velvet Art Store in Springfield Missouri
clip board decoration... LOVE IT...
Seaside Neutrals BHG February 2011 - Valspar Paint from top to bottom - Frappe, Ice Rink Blue, Safari Beige, Dove White
SFGirlByBay | Substack
Bentwood Onion Pendant from west elm via @sfgirlbybay / victoria smith Table
Gray Walls - Contemporary - dining room - Behr Dolphin Fin - Live Creating Yourself
ikea bookshelf, turned on side w/ legs added for height. >> Like the legs!