Chicken stuff

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Chicken Breeding Charts
A friend gave me these charts several months ago. I have no idea where they came from or who deserves the credit for the work. There are probably more charts out there so if anyone knows where they came from, I would love to hear from you.I plan to breed and sell Cochins, Silkies, and
PVC Chicken Waterer
Keep your flock watered, with minimal mess.
50+ Ways to Use Extra Eggs • The Prairie Homestead
50 + ideas for using lots of extra eggs. Especially handy if you have chickens!
Free Chicken Coop Plans | Family Food Garden
Fantastic Chicken Coops- plans + design
Did you know you can turn the deep litter from your chicken coop into garden ready compost in just 18 days? Here's how!
22 Cheap High Protein Chicken Feed Options to Replace Layer Feed
22 Cheap High Protein Chicken Feed Options to Replace Layer Feed
Old Swing Set Frame Turned Into A DIY Chicken Coop...
An Old Swing Set Frame Turned Into A DIY Chicken Coop… |
Button quail male and female color mutations.
It's a mystery: which of your hens are laying eggs? Here's how to tell! -
How to tell if your chicken is laying or not. Useful article with good pictures. If you are into this sort of thing.
Natural Lice and Mite Prevention: Using Herbs in the Nest Box
Natural Lice and Mite Prevention: Using Herbs in the Nest Box. Grow a blend of lavender, chamomile, bay leaves, oregano, peppermint, tansy, wormwood, marigold petals, spearmint, & catnip. put in nest boxes. This formula is antibacterial, anti-parasitic, calming, soothing & healing for chickens. Also mint to repel mice!