Emotions/ body pain

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GlobalGardensOnline.com and Clark's Nutrition Stores
Smart Health Talk Pick: This really works! Had so much tension in my face that when I started working out the knots in my forehead, cheeks, chin, was amazed and how it even got swollen at first because released so much stress in muscle. Was so sore at first could barely massage it. Could literally feel the circulation coming back. Amazing what we do to ourselves. Talked about relaxation techniques during interview with Global Gardens
What The Bacteria In Your Gut Have To Do With Your Physical And Mental Health
What The Bacteria In Your Gut Have To Do With Your Physical And Mental Health
TCM - 24-hour Organ Qi Cycle
wake up at the same time every night? get an ache in the same spot? click on the pin and roll the cursor over the organ to learn how emotions are connected ***this is so cool***
self-help – Inner Stillness
Lightly hold each finger one at a time. Begin with your right thumb, exhale and inhale 36 breaths (or 3-5 minutes). Continue with each finger. Do the right hand, then the left. If you don’t have time for both hands, hold the side that feels most tense.
25 Science-Backed Ways to Take Care of Yourself Every Day
Is That Normal?! What Your Body Might Be Trying to Tell You | Greatist
9 Signs of Hormonal Imbalance and How to Fix It
9 Signs of Hormonal Imbalance and How to Fix It