Cards Container Idea - Tech 107

Ideas of shapes and materials for my card box for my nana
16 Pins
Artisan Playing Cards: Black & Gold Luxury Card Deck | theory11
Beautifully packaged Artisan Playing Cards (foil stamped and embossed tuck cases) in a an etched wooden box.
Cigar box keepsake - Etsy
Playing Card Deck Storage Box, Keepsake Box, Repurposed Wooden Cigar Box. Decoupaged with Old Playing Cards (Box #60)
Large Wooden Box (Silver Gilt)
Large Wooden Box, contains 4 scorepads, 4 pencils and 2 packs of cards. I have this and use it every week!
Tree of Life Woodburned Keepsake Box: Woodburned Trinket Box, Ringbearers Box, Bridesmaid Gift, AVAILABLE NOW - Etsy
I love wooden boxes. Tree of Life Woodburned Ring Box Handcrafted Trinket by DekoMuse.
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Wooden Keepsake Box by Woodworksbyshawn on Etsy
Woodwork | Arts, Crafts and Design Finds
Wooden Box ~ Delicate Floral Design ~ Woodwork | Arts, Crafts and Design Finds - Page 3
Build a Beautiful Recipe Box with Mitered Corners
simple wooden box designs | Build a Beautiful Recipe Box with Mitered Corners | Startwoodworking ...
Crafters In Disguise
Easy craft project, paint wooden trinket boxes #steampunk - Crafters In Disguise
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Wooden gift box JAPANESE STYLE C TYPE by karaku on Etsy, ¥1000