Stuff To Do With Little J

64 Pins
Clean Up Your Messy Home!
I am SO doing this. Take digital shots of your child's art work, then upload to snapfish to make a picture book. You can toss the piles of old artwork, but save the book.
10 Ways to Make Today Magical
Homemade bath crayons. Here's just 1 of the hundreds of great ideas on this family website "A Magical Childhood"
How cute is this? My son M has baby fine hair just like this, I'll have to refer to this photo for his first cut.
The Best Toddler Haircut Ever | Baby Gizmo
This article shows the progression of long toddler boy hair to a cute longish style. We might need to do this!
What To Do With Samuel?
Another easy idea , costs practically nothing but such a great idea for cognitive thinking , creativity , fine motor skills etc !!!
13 Ways To Make Getting Out The Door Easier
Put a sticker that has been cut in half to show kids the correct foot for shoes. That's clever. :)
Potty Training at 18 Months: How I Potty-Trained my 18 Month Old
Pinning now reading later! Good tips to help motivate a stubborn kiddo.
Glow Fusion glowing (in the bottle)
COOLEST THING EVER!!! Cut open glow sticks & pour them into bubble solution. Glow in the dark bubbles. Summer nights here we come!
Personalized Wooden Art Hanger-large Size - Etsy
Make one for each child...LOVE THIS!!
Shadow Box Keepsakes
Shadow box baby keepsakes. Remember and preserve their tiny moments. #baby
50 Toddler Shots to Improve Your Family Photography | Envato Tuts+
100 photo ideas to take of your toddler.
Five Things You Can Do to Help your Toddler's Speech and Language Skills. Guest Post at Toddler Approved by Playing With Words 365