Sewing tips and tricks

36 Pins
No Dart Full Bust Adjustment Video Tutorial | Vintage on Tap
No Dart Full Bust Adjustment Video Tutorial | Vintage on Tap
Tin Foil Crotch Curve Method - Pants Fitting - 5 out of 4 Patterns
Tin Foil Crotch Curve Method - Pants Fitting - 5 out of 4 Patterns
Sewing patterns for fashion clothing, crafts and home decorating. Dress sewing patterns, evening and prom sewing patterns, bridal sewing patterns, plus costume and cosplay sewing patterns.
Sewing a Shirt Yoke - the Burrito Method | Kalle Sewalong
The easiest and most fun way to sew a yoke on a shirt using the BURRITO METHOD // Kalle Shirtdress
How to do a narrow or broad shoulder adjustment
How to do a full bust adjustment without any darts
How to do a quick full bust adjustment without any darts
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All Things sewing and pattern making #sewing #patterns #patternmaking #patternconstruction #fashionalterations #fashionsewing #alterations #fashion #style #toiles #atelier #workroom #process #embellished #SewingTechniques #darts #draping #curvedtucks #pleats #fabric #fittings #grading #ruching #Sculptural #Reconstruction
Demystifying Bootstrap Fashion, Part 3: Fabric Layout, Construction and Fitting
Demystifying Bootstrap Fashion, Part 3: Fabric Layout, Construction and Fitting
NameBright - Coming Soon
New Year, Old Goal | A Fashionable Stitch
buttonhole loop; a tutorial - Handmade by Carolyn
buttonhole loop; a tutorial - Handmade by Carolyn